Privacy Policy

Privacy policy regarding the use of our website

In this policy we outline the purposes for which your data is collected and used, and how you can exercise your rights. We commit ourselves to the applicable data protection regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018, and the applicable German Data Protection Act (BDSG). You can view and print the privacy policy at any time by clicking on the “Privacy” tab at the bottom of each page. We have put technical and organisational measures in place to protect, to the extent possible, our IT systems, and to prevent your data from being accessed, amended or processed by unauthorised persons, and to protect it from loss or destruction.

This privacy policy is divided into the following sections:

1. Data controller
2. General information on data processing
3. Email contact
4. Provision of the website and the creation of log-files
5. Use of cookies
6. Use of Google Analytics
7. Integration of external elements
8. Rights of the data subject


1. Data controller

The data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states, as well as other data protection regulations, is:

Birgit Maier

mafokonzept Birgit Maier
Krelingstraße 38

D-90408 Nürnberg


2. General information on data processing

2.1 Personal data
“Personal data” means information that can be used to identify and establish the personal or factual circumstances of the user. Information that does not allow us to establish a connection to a person (or to do so only with disproportionate effort), e.g. where the information has been pseudonymised or anonymised, is not personal data.

2.2 Scope of personal data processing
We only ever process the personal data of our users where this is required to ensure the provision of a functioning website and our contents and services. The personal data of our users is only processed routinely where the user has given their consent. One exception is in cases where it is not possible to obtain consent in advance for reasons of fact, and where legal regulations allow the data to be processed.

2.3. Legal basis for processing personal data
In cases in which we obtain the consent of the data subject to process personal data, the legal basis for the processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When processing personal data that is required to fulfil a contract whose contractual party is the data subject, the legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point b GDPR. This also applies to processing that is required to carry out pre-contractual measures. Where it is necessary to process personal data to fulfil a legal duty to which our company is subject, the legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point c GDPR. In cases where the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person make it necessary to process personal data, the legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point d GDPR. If it is necessary to process personal data to protect a legitimate interest of our company or of a third party, and if the interests, basic rights and basic freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the first-named interest, the legal basis for the data processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR.

2.4 Deletion of data and storage period
The personal data of the data subject is deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for which it was stored no longer applies. The data may continue to be stored beyond this period if that is provided for by European or national legislators in EU regulations, laws or other provisions to which the data controller is subject. The data is also blocked or deleted when the storage period prescribed by the above-mentioned standards expires, except where it is necessary to keep the data for longer in order to complete or fulfil a contract.


3. Email contact

3.1 Description and scope of data processing
When you get in touch with us via an email address provided by us, the personal data transmitted with the email is stored. In this case, no data is ever passed on to third parties unless the issue raised in the email clearly makes it necessary to forward it. The data is only used to process the conversation.

3.2 Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for processing data transmitted when sending an email is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR. If the purpose of sending the email is to eventually conclude a contract, there is an additional legal basis for data processing in Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point b GDPR.

3.3 Purpose of data processing
Personal data is processed only in order to allow us to process the correspondence. Where correspondence is sent by email, there is also an additional legitimate interest in processing the data.

3.4 Storage duration
The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. This is the case when the respective conversation with the user is finished. The conversation is deemed to be finished when the circumstances imply that the relevant situation has been conclusively resolved. The additional personal data collected during the process of submitting the correspondence is later deleted after a period of seven days. If the conversation leads to the conclusion of a contract, your personal data is stored for as long as is necessary to execute the contract. It may, however, be necessary to store the personal data of the contractual party after the completion of the contract in order to perform contractual or legal duties.

3.5 Right of revocation and deletion
You can revoke your consent to the future processing of your personal data at any time. In this case, all personal data stored during the course of the correspondence is deleted. Please note that the conversation cannot be continued in this case. To do so, please contact the data controller, Birgit Maier e-mail: birgit.maier[at]

4. Provision of the website and the creation of log-files

4.1 Description and scope of data processing
Whenever someone visits our website, our system automatically collects data and information from the visitor’s computer. The following data is collected:

(1) Information about the browser type and the version used
(2) The user’s operating system
(3) The user’s internet service provider
(4) The user’s IP address
(5) Date and time of access
(6) Websites from which the user’s system came to our website
(7) Websites that are viewed by the user’s system via our website

The data is also stored in the log-files on our system. This data is not stored with any of the user’s other personal data.

4.2 Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log-files is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR.

4.3 Purpose of data processing
The temporary storage of the IP address on the system is necessary in order to make it possible to deliver the website to the user’s computer. To do this, the user’s IP address must be stored for the duration of the session. Where IP addresses are stored in log-files: data is stored in log-files in order to guarantee the functionality of the website. Furthermore, the data helps us to optimise the website and to ensure the security of our IT systems. This data is not analysed for marketing purposes. For these purposes, our legitimate interest in the data processing is also derived from Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR.

4.4 Storage duration
The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. Where the data is collected in order to facilitate the provision of the website, this is when the respective session comes to an end. Where the IP address is stored in log-files, this is after a maximum period of seven days. In some cases it is possible that the data is stored for longer. In those cases, the user’s IP address is deleted or distorted so that it is not possible to identify the visiting client.

4.5 Right of revocation and deletion
Collecting data for the provision of the website and storing the data in log-files is essential for the operation of the website. The user cannot opt out.

5. Use of cookies

5.1 Description and scope of data processing
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files placed on the internet browser or on the user’s computer system by the internet browser. When a user visits a website, a cookie can be stored on the operating system. This cookie contains a distinguishing character string that makes it possible to specifically identify your browser when you later return to the website. We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Some of the features of our website require it to be possible to identify the visiting browser even after you have moved to another page. The following data is stored and transmitted in the cookies:

(1) Language settings

Our website also uses cookies that make it possible to analyse the browsing behaviour of users. The following data can be transmitted:

(1) Frequency of page views
(2) Use of website functions

The user data collected in this way is pseudonymised by means of technical measures. As a result of this process, the data cannot be linked to the user who visited the site. The data is not stored with any other of the user’s personal data. When visiting our website, a banner notifies users about the use of cookies for analytics purposes and refers users to this privacy policy. Users are also informed about how they can change their browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored on their computer.

5.2 Legal basis
The legal basis for the processing of personal data when using cookies is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR.

5.3 Purpose of data processing
The purpose of using technically essential cookies is to simplify the use of the website for the user. Some functions on our website cannot be provided without the use of cookies. For these functions, it is essential that the browser can be identified even after the user transitions to other pages. We need cookies for the following functions:

(1) Use of website functions
(2) Accept language settings

The user data collected using technically essential cookies is not used to create user profiles. Analysis cookies are used for the purpose of improving the quality of our website and its content. Through the analysis cookies we learn how the website is used, and this therefore allows us to continuously optimise the services we offer. For these purposes, our legitimate interest in the processing of the personal data also derives from Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR.

5.4 Duration of storage, Right of revocation and deletion
Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and are transmitted from there to our webpage. Therefore, you as the user have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your internet browser, you can deactivate or limit the transmission of cookies. Previously stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also happen automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the site.

6. Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). This usage ensues on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 p. 1 Point f. GDPR. Google Analytics uses “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyse your use of the website. The information created by the cookie about your use of the website, such as Browser type/version, Operating system used, Referrer URL (the page viewed before visiting the website), Host name of the computer (IP address), Time of the server request are all normally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google does not link the IP address transmitted from your browser as part of Google Analytics with any other data.

On this website we have also added the “anonymizeIP” code to Google Analytics. This guarantees that your IP address is masked so that all data is collected in anonymised form. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Working on behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities and to provide additional services linked to the use of the website and the use of the internet for the website operator.

You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by adjusting the settings in your browser software. However, you should be aware that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website in their entirety. Furthermore, you can prevent the data produced by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being collected and transmitted to Google, and prevent this data from being processed by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin that is available under the following link: As an alternative to using a browser add-on, in particular for browsers on mobile end devices, you can prevent Google Analytics from collecting this data by clicking on the following link: An opt-out cookie is set that prevents your data from being collected in future when you visit this website. The opt-out cookie only applies in this browser and only for our website, and it is stored on your device. If you delete the cookies in this browser, you must set the opt-out cookie anew. [Note: you’ll find instructions on how to set the opt-out cookie here:]. We also use Google Analytics to evaluate data from DoubleClick cookies and AdWords for statistical purposes. You can opt out of this by deactivating it on the display preferences manager ( You’ll find further information on data protection relating to Google Analytics on the Google Analytics help page (


7. Integration of external elements

7.1 Banner advertising
Advertising banners by other companies are published on this website. That is part of the business model of providing the website to users free of charge. These advertising banners can set cookies.

7.2 Flash files
Flash files that transmit information can be set by advertising customers.

7.3 Media from other servers and providers
Media from their servers and providers can be integrated into this website. These media can transmit information to other websites.

We use Ajax and jQuery technologies on this website with the aim of optimising loading speeds. Program libraries from Google servers are called up for this, and Google’s CDN (content delivery network) is used. If you have previously used jQuery on another Google CDN page, your browser will revert to the copy stored in the cache. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to download it. In the process, data is transmitted from your browser to Google and stored there for a period of time. You can find information on Google’s data protection terms at:

7.5 Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking
This website uses Google AdWords. AdWords is an online advertising program by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”).

Within the framework of Google AdWords, we use conversion tracking. When you click on an advert placed by Google, a conversion tracking cookie is set. Cookies are small text files placed on the user’s computer by the internet browser. These cookies do not personally identify the user. If the user visits certain pages on this website and the cookie has still not expired, we and Google can see that the user has clicked on the advert and was passed on to this page.

Every Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie.

The cookies cannot be tracked beyond the websites of AdWords customers. You can find more information on Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking in Google’s privacy policy:

a) Purpose of data processing
The information gathered using conversion cookies is used to produce conversion statistics for us. We get to know the total number of users who have clicked on our AdWords advert and who were forwarded to our website. However, we are not given any information that could be used to identify users personally. The purpose is analysing and optimising our advertising and marketing activities.

b) Legal basis for data processing
Conversion cookies are stored on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in the analysis of user behaviour to allow us to optimise our website and advertising measures.

c) Duration of storage
The cookies set by Google expire after 30 days. Furthermore, we store the data gathered on the basis of a legitimate interest until the legitimate interest no longer applies, until the weighing of interests comes to a different conclusion, or until you have effectively lodged an objection pursuant to Article 21 GDPR (see the highlighted section “Information regarding a special right to object” under C). Checks are carried out regularly, at least once a year, to see whether the legitimate interest still applies. Our legitimate interest no longer applies in particular where the data, due to the passage of time, no longer has sufficient relevance for us with regard to the evaluation of website use and statistics relating to website use, which is assumed to be the case after three years at the latest.

d) Objection and deletion options / Opt-out By changing the settings in your internet browser, you can deactivate or limit the transmission of cookies. Previously stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also happen automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the site.

If you prefer not to take part in tracking, you can opt out of this function by deactivating the Google Conversion Tracking cookie in the user settings of your browser. You will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics.

You can also halt continued tracking by Google by using an opt-out made available by us – to do so please click HERE.

7.6 LinkedIn Insight Tag
The Insight Tag provided by the social network LinkedIn is used on our website. This is provided by the LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter “LinkedIn”). LinkedIn Insight Tag is a small piece of JavaScript code that we have added to our website.

The LinkedIn Insight Tag allows us to gather data about visits to our website, including the URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser properties, time stamp and pages viewed. This data is encrypted and then anonymised within seven days, and the anonymised data is deleted within 90 days. LinkedIn does not share personal data with us, it only provides summary reports about the website target group and ad performance. LinkedIn also provides a retargeting service for website visitors that allows us to use this data to show targeted adverts outside our website without identifying the member. LinkedIn members can manage the use of their personal data for advertising purposes in their account settings.

a) Purpose of data processing
The LinkedIn Insight Tag is used for the purpose of compiling detailed campaign reports and gathering information about visitors to our website, and thereby for the purpose of our advertising and marketing interests. As a customer of LinkedIn marketing solutions, we use the LinkedIn Insight Tag in order to track conversions, to carry out retargeting of our website visitors and to gather additional information about the LinkedIn members who see our adverts.

You’ll find details on data gathering (purpose, scope, additional processing, use) and information about your rights and settings options in LinkedIn’s privacy policy on the LinkedIn website:

b) Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR, that is a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest in this regard rests on the purposes outlined above.

c) Duration of storage
The data is encrypted, and then anonymised within seven days, and the anonymised data is deleted within 90 days.

However, as a user, you can also choose the settings for the execution of the JavaScript code necessary for the tool via your browser settings yourself at any time. By changing the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate or limit the execution of JavaScript, and thereby also prevent the storage of data. Please note: if the execution of JavaScript is deactivated, you may not be able to use all the functions of the website.

d) Objection and deletion options / Opt-out
If you are a LinkedIn member and do not want LinkedIn to gather data about you via our website and link that data to LinkedIn data relating to your membership, you will need to log out of LinkedIn before you visit our website.

You can prevent the execution of the JavaScript code that is necessary for the tool by changing the settings in your browser software. To stop the execution of the JavaScript code in its entirety you can also install a JavaScript blocker such as the browser plugin NoScript (e.g. www.noscript.netor

You can also halt further tracking by LinkedIn by using an opt-out made available by LinkedIn

7.7 Google Remarketing
Google Remarketing is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Inc.’s remarketing function is used to show interest-based adverts to visitors to the website within the framework of the Google advertising network.

Google uses information (although not personal data such as your name or email address) about your visits to this and other websites to make it possible to show ads for products and services that will interest you. Your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) to check which ads have been displayed in your browser and which ads have been viewed. The cookies do not contain any personal information. The use of the cookies only allows Google and its partner websites to show ads on the basis of previous visits to our or other websites. The information produced by the cookies is transmitted by Google to a server in the US for analysis, and is stored there. Google will only pass on the data to third parties on the basis of statutory provisions or within the framework of contract data processing. Under no circumstances will Google store your data in connection with other data collected by Google.

You’ll find further information on Google Remarketing and Google’s privacy policy at:

If you would like to learn more about these methods or if you would like to know what your options are with regard to stopping this data from being used, please click here:

Google has adopted the EU-US Privacy Shield and is therefore subject to a data protection level that is equal to the EU’s data protection regulations:

You can find out how Google Remarketing uses data here:

a) Purpose of data processing
Google Remarketing is used for the purposes of improving the quality of our website and its contents so that optimised advertising that is tailored to your actual individual needs and interests. This allows us to discover how the website is used, and allows us to continuously optimise our offering.

b) Legal basis for the data processing
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point f GDPR, that is a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest in this regard rests on the purposes outlined above.

c) Duration of storage
Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and are transmitted from there to our webpage. Therefore, you as the user have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your internet browser, you can deactivate or limit the transmission of cookies. Previously stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also happen automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may not be possible to use all the functions of the site.

d) Objection and deletion options / Opt-out
You can prevent cookies from being stored by changing the settings on your browser software; please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. Should you explicitly object to the use of the Google Remarketing function, you can deactivate it completely by changing that setting at Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies for interest-based advertising via the Advertising Network Initiative by following the instructions at

If you use Google Chrome or Chromium, you can – in addition to the choices made in the “Settings” menu – install a plugin at that deactivates personalised adverts. Please note, however, that you will continue to see just as many adverts as before, only that these will no longer be tailored to your browsing behaviour.

7.8 Google Tag Manager
Our website uses Google Tag Manager, a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. This is a tool provided by Google that simplifies the process of setting and administering tags. The tools/plugins mentioned above, e.g. Facebook pixel, LinkedIn Insight Tag etc., as well as Google Analytics and others, are managed using Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager does not lead to additional data being processed, it only makes it easier to manage the setting of tags within the website. No additional personal data is processed as a result of the use of Google Tag Manager.

You’ll find more information about the data processed by Google in Google’s Privacy Policy. You can also change your settings in their data protection centre so that you can manage and protect your data.


8. The use of social media plugins (Twitter, XING, LinkedIn)
On our website you’ll also find the share logos of LinkedIn, Twitter and XING. Data is (only) transferred to those companies when you click on the logo (at the end of every article and on each page). Specifically:

8.1 The use of Twitter’s tweet button
Our website features the “Tweet″ button of the social network Twitter, which is operated by Twitter Inc., 750 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States (“Twitter”). The “Tweet” button can be recognised by the dark-blue bird. When you load a webpage on our website that contains this button, your browser establishes a direct connection with Twitter’s servers. The content of the “Tweet″ button is transmitted by Twitter directly to your browser and integrated by it into your Twitter message.
We therefore have no influence over the extent of the data Twitter collects using the button. To the best of our knowledge, Twitter only collects the user’s IP address and the URL of the respective websites, but does so solely for the purpose of displaying Twitter components. Interaction, in particular clicks on the “Re-Tweet” button, are also passed on to Twitter.

a) Purpose of the data processing
The Twitter plugin is used for the purpose of making it possible to provide direct feedback and to share our content and information directly (“Tweet”), and is thereby in our marketing and advertising interests. Please see Twitter’s privacy notice for information about the purpose and extent of data collection, and further processing and use of the data by Twitter, as well as your rights and settings options in this regard to protect your privacy:

b) Legal basis for the data processing
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 Par. 1 Point f GDPR, i.e. a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest here rests on the above-named purposes.

c) Duration of storage
As a user, you can decide yourself about the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool via your browser settings. By changing the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate or limit the execution of Java Script, and thereby also prevent data from being stored. Note: If the execution of Java Script is deactivated, you may no longer be able to use all the functions of the website in their entirety.

d) Objection and removal options
If you have a Twitter account and do not want Twitter to gather data about you via our website and link that data to your Twitter account data, you must log out of Twitter before you visit our website. You can prevent the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool by changing the relevant settings on your browser software. In order to disable the execution of the Java Script code completely, you can also install a Java Script blocker, e.g. the browser plugin NoScript (e.g. www.noscript.netor You can also change your Twitter privacy settings in your Twitter account settings at


8.2 The use of the XING share button
This website uses the “Share” button of the professional network XING, which is operated by XING SE, Dammtorstraße 30, D-20354 Hamburg, Germany. When you load this webpage, a connection is established for a short time via your browser to the XING SE (“XING”) servers, by means of which the XING Share Button functions (in particular the calculation/display of the counter reading) are performed.

XING does not store any personal data about you when you load this webpage. In particular, XING does not store IP addresses. Furthermore, no analysis is carried out of your user behaviour via the use of cookies related to the XING Share Button. You’ll find current privacy information about the XING Share Button and additional information on this webpage:

a) Purpose of the data processing
The XING plugin is used for the purpose of making it possible to provide direct feedback and to share our content and information directly via the XING network, and is thereby in our marketing and advertising interests. Please see XING’s privacy notice for information about the purpose and extent of data collection, and further processing and use of the data by Xing, as well as your rights in this regard and the settings options to protect your privacy:

b) Legal basis for the data processing
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 Par. 1 Point f GDPR, i.e. a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest here rests on the above-named purposes.

c) Duration of storage
As a user, you can decide yourself about the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool via your browser settings. By changing the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate or limit the execution of Java Script, and thereby also prevent data from being stored. Note: If the execution of Java Script is deactivated, you may no longer be able to use all the functions of the website in their entirety

d) Objection and removal options
If you have a Xing account and do not want Xing to gather data about you via our website and link that data to your Xing account data, you must log out of Xing before you visit our website. You can prevent the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool by changing the relevant settings on your browser software. In order to disable the execution of the Java Script code completely, you can also install a Java Script blocker, e.g. the browser plugin NoScript (e.g. or


8.3 The use of the LinkedIn share button
Plugins by the social network LinkedIn, which is operated by the LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter “LinkedIn”), are integrated into our website. You’ll recognise the LinkedIn plugins from the LinkedIn logo or the “Recommend” button on our webpages. When you visit a webpage that contains this kind of button, a direct connection is established via the plugin between your browser and the LinkedIn server if you have previously enabled the data transfer with a single click. LinkedIn thereby receives the information that you, with your IP address, have visited our website.
If you click the LinkedIn “Recommend” button while you are logged in to your LinkedIn account, you can provide links to our website content on your LinkedIn profile. Doing so allows LinkedIn to link your visit to our website to your user account. We would like to point out that we as the provider of the webpages do not receive any information about the content of the data transmitted or about how it is used by LinkedIn.

a) Purpose of the data processing
The LinkedIn plugin is used for the purpose of making it possible to provide direct feedback and to share our content and information directly via the LinkedIn network, and is thereby in our marketing and advertising interests. You’ll find details about data collection (purpose, extent, further processing, use) and about your rights and settings options in LinkedIn’s privacy policy. This policy is available here

b) Legal basis for the data processing
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 Par. 1 Point f GDPR, i.e. a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest here rests on the above-named purposes.

c) Duration of storage
As a user, you can decide yourself about the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool via your browser settings. By changing the settings in your internet browser you can deactivate or limit the execution of Java Script, and thereby also prevent data from being stored. Note: If the execution of Java Script is deactivated, you may no longer be able to use all the functions of the website in their entirety.

d) Objection and removal options
If you have a LinkedIn account and do not want LinkedIn to gather data about you via our website and link that data to your LinkedIn account data, you must log out of LinkedIn before you visit our website. You can prevent the execution of the Java Script code necessary for the tool by changing the relevant settings on your browser software. In order to disable the execution of the Java Script code completely, you can also install a Java Script blocker, e.g. the browser plugin NoScript (e.g. or


9. Rights of the data subject

If your personal data is processed, you are the data subject within the meaning of GDPR, and you have the following rights with respect to the data controller:

Pursuant to Article 7 Paragraph 3 GDPR: the right to withdraw previously given consent at any time. This will mean that we cannot continue in future with the data processing that was carried out on the basis of this consent;

Pursuant to Article 15 GDPR: the right to receive information about the personal data about you that we process. In particular, you can request information about the purpose of processing the data, the category of the personal data, the categories of recipients to which your data is being or has been disclosed, the envisaged period for which the data will be stored, the existence of a right to rectification, deletion, restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right to lodge a complaint, information about the origin of your data if it was not collected by us, as well as the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, meaningful information about the logic involved;

Pursuant to Article 16 GDPR: the right to demand the rectification of inaccurate or the completion of incomplete personal data we store about you without delay;

Pursuant to Article 17 GDPR: the right to the erasure of the personal data we store about you, as long as it is not necessary to process the data in order to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfil a legal duty, or if it is in the public interest to do so, or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims;

Pursuant to Article 18 GDPR: the right to restrict the extent to which your personal data is processed if the accuracy of the data is contested by you, if the processing is unlawful but you oppose its deletion, or if we no longer need the data but you need it to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, or you have objected to processing pursuant to Article 21 GDPR;

Pursuant to Article 20 GDPR: the right to receive the personal data that you have provided us with in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, or the right to transmit that data to another data controller, and

Pursuant to Article 77 GDPR: the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule you can turn to the supervisory authority in your place of habitual residence or workplace, or the supervisory authority governing our law office address.

Right to object

If your personal data is being processed on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Point e and f GDPR, you have the right – in accordance with Article 21 GDPR – to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation. If you object to the use of your data, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling grounds worthy of protection for this data processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the data processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. If you would like to assert your right to object, all you need to do is send an email to our data controller